Monday, November 12, 2018

Start-up as Emerging Risk

November 12, 2018

startup or start-up is started by individual founders or entrepreneurs to search for a repeatable and scalable business model. More specifically, a startup is a newly emerged business venture that aims to develop a viable business model to meet a marketplace need or problem.

As much risk you bear will be that much profit/loss but if you are with a unique emerging idea or with a new invention that can change the trend/ behavior of the people will make you successful at the end, there are so many examples of the successful businesses that were started from a single or unique idea.

I Phone
A Well known brand Apple that dominated in the market in last decade, behind that there was a new innovative idea to use a mobile phone that allows you to use the mobile screen by your fingertip, and the technology was used changed the behavior of the consumers of mobile phone and then to retain that customers Apple kept developing its products and gave weigh to the customers preferences and became the prestige brand for its customers.

Kyriakides Sports

 To be successful in any industry you need to compromise and focus on taking startup, Recently I was on a business tour and I was at the point where I had to take my suits with me and my shirt that was hanging on a hanger and that was broken till I reached the destination, I had to face some difficulties and decided to have the hangers that won't break and for that purpose visited the market but could not find any similar, so I decided to take the startup to make such hangers in Pakistan that were not available, started working on my new need and discovered new item for myself and then I decided to Launch it in the market for other people need, as I see its the basic need of everyone and I have a unique item that even can be fold and still strong enough can reach to other users and will be beneficial for me to use this for commercial purpose and also its a new invention hoping will be successful.


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